Caribbeancom-101010-504 – Apartment Wife’s Affair Part 2
The life of Nanako, who was an ordinary housewife, changed completely after an incident at a happening bar owned by Kyoko. – Her weakness is caught by her friend’s connection, and even her lover’s connection is used as sexual desire treatment. – Her husband, Masao’s reemployment was also decided, and everything should go well, but he was threatened with giving Masao a video containing abnormal lesbian and orgy acts, and he couldn’t quit his part-time job at a happening bar, and himself. Nanako can’t forget the stimulation of the world covered with desires and can’t escape. – Even though she knows it’s not right for her, she visits the Happening Bar again during Masao’s training period, and indulges in affairs with several strangers, with a shocking ending…! – Caribbeancom Roman Porno, Final Edition! – (Delivery provided by Dream Room: Kali Otoko II)




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